Upcoming events.
Board Meeting on January 8, 2025 at 7pm. Brookside Fire Station
Check back here for upcoming events such as meetings and scheduled maintenance
December Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
November Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
October Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
September Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
August Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
July Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
June Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
May Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
April Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
March Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
February Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.
Shareholder Meeting
Meeting Purpose:
Provide Shareholders with a detailed, transparent report on the operational, fiscal, and legal status of the Company
Ratify the appointments of Chalin Ence and Kevin Jones (pursuant to Article V-3 of the Company bylaws
January Water Bill Due
Your water bill is due the 30th day of every month. February is due on the 28th day.